Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Spirit Is Willing But The Flesh Is Weak

My spirit was certainly willing to walk more than 20 minutes today.  It told me that 20 minutes was hardly worth the time it took to get my niece’s stroller out of the trunk, get her car seat put into it, get her diaper bag and my water, smoothie, keys, and phone gathered, and get going.  We’d hardly begun when it was time to turn around and go back.  It told me I was capable of going farther and longer. 

Yes, I am capable of going farther and longer.  Wouldn't you want to on a beautiful trail like this?

I walked for about 70 minutes on Tuesday.  I sure paid for it later Tuesday and Wednesday, though.  I was in pain and my knee was stiff and thick. 

My flesh reminded me of that and said it wasn’t worth it.  In this instance, 20 minutes was long enough.  Tomorrow I plan to walk another 20 minutes and use the fitness equipment at Freedom Lake Park. 

On the advice of my friend and trainer, Brandice at, I’ve doubled up on the fish oil I was only sporadically taking.  Fish oil is good for inflammation. 

Some might say I’m being pruned, but I feel like I’m being cut all the way down to the point that I’m level with the ground.  I’ve been reduced to WALKING for only 20 MINUTES?!  I used to RUN 3.1 miles in 35-40 minutes FIVE DAYS A WEEK!!!  What’s with this new routine??? 

Oh.  There’s pride rearing its ugly head.  Selfish indulgence has been dealt with and only occasionally is an issue.  Now it’s pride’s turn to be conquered. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Stop Feeling Sorry For Myself

I walked a full 3.4 miles yesterday morning instead of just 1.2 like I’ve been doing.  I make a loop and go past my house at 1.2 miles and it’s so easy to just call it quits right there and say that 1.2 is better than nothing.  This morning it felt good to push beyond that and not even stop at 2.5 the next time I passed my house.  I did the full route. 

On the one hand I’m thankful I can still walk even if I can’t run.  On the other hand, I can’t believe how far back I’ve been pushed – to the point of having to talk myself into just walking the full distance.  I don’t understand the reason for this. 

My friend Dee, who is on her own weight loss journey left a comment on my previous post.  I was really feeling sorry for myself.  Then I took a break from working and saw her comment.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself, Michele!

Today I plan on walking on the Pinellas Trail and pushing my niece in the stroller while Brianne's in class.  Maybe tomorrow I'll try running again and see if I can go more than 4 steps. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Gasparilla 2012

Last Saturday was the Gasparilla 5K, but I didn't run it.  I didn't even walk it.  My knee and ankle were hurting too badly and I, again, didn't want to do permanent damage.  It was...not be there and not participate.  It was...I can't think of the right word.  I tried to meet up with the Calvary Chapel Running Team, but never found any of them.  Since I wasn't participating in the race, none of my family was there.  Ah, that's what I felt...alone.  All by myself.  I know God was with me, but I felt alone humanly speaking. 

Heading to the 5K start.

                                                                   The 5K starting line.

                                            Sure!  I'll walk behind some military runners!  ;-)

I ended up leaving before the 5K even started.  I was going strawberry picking with my dad.  Since I had no one to watch the race with or for, there was no sense in staying there. 

My dad and I drove to Spivey Farms in Plant City and picked 40 quarts of strawberries!  Thank You, God, for these times of bonding with my almost 87-yo Daddy! 

For a couple years now, God has been giving me Psalms 46:10 now and then.  "Be still and know that I am God."  It's very hard for me to be still because there's just so much I want to DO!  That verse has been coming up again lately, especially Saturday at Gasparilla.  I've been made to be more still than I want to because of my knee and ankle.  Running Saturday was supposed to be full circle for me.  It was while watching runners come across the finish line of the Gasparilla 15K last year that God put this dream of running in my heart.  I realized there was no physical reason I couldn't run like they were doing.  Now there IS a physical reason and I don't like it.  I trust God, though.  I don't know what He has planned for me by keeping me from running, but I trust that it's for my good.

I'm still walking, icing, stretching, and strengthening.  My plan is to once a week try running again if I've had no pain in my knee or ankle, but that hasn't happened.  In addition to being still and knowing that God is God, this has been helpful:

I don't know how to make it bigger.  It says, "Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must.  Just never give up."  :-)