I'm now jogging 2 miles and walking 1! : )
It's still not 2 miles all together, but I'm getting there! I used to wonder what it would be like when I had only one section to walk and recover between jogging sections. Now I know. It's not so bad. On the other hand, these last two days of jogging 2 and walking 1 have been difficult to actually jog. I feel sluggish. It's probably the few pounds that have crept on. : (((( Yes, I've gained a few pounds because I've been compromising and eating small amounts more than I need to lately. I'm back on track but feeling the consequences of those decisions. Siiiigggghhhh. Just being honest. Thank You, God, for forgiveness!
Another reason for the gain is very likely lack of sleep. I've also asked God to keep showing me how to make wise decisions with my time so I don't have to be up so late and early working. I have some off time coming up later this month to go to the homeschool convention and I'm looking forward to sleeping more than 4 or 5 hours a night!
More of Jesus, Less of Michele. More of Jesus, Less of Michele. More of Jesus, Less of Michele. : )