We all gathered at the start line, 5Kers and 10Kers in a combined start. I was excited when they asked the 10Kers to move to the left (the faster lane!) before the race began. And we're off! I had adrenaline helping me get up the hill and for the first 1 or 2 tenths of a mile. Then my body protested. It usually does, especially at the beginning of an actual race when my pace is determined by adrenaline and the people around me. At first it's really slow, almost a walk, then I match the people running nearby. That never lasts more than a minute, though! I soon settled into my normal pace. People began passing me, but that was okay. I wasn't trying to win. We rounded a corner and neared the bridge. The Bridge. The Huge Bridge. The huge bridge that I've run a dozen times. Before the race there was heavy fog, so much that we couldn't see the bridge from the park and it's very close. As I crested the bridge I looked out to see the water but I couldn't see it because the fog was so thick.
This isn't an actual
picture of it since I didn't have my camera with me and wouldn't have stopped
during an actual race to take a picture anyway. It was this thick, though.
I was a little sad
about not being able to see God's creation of sky and water. He then reminded
me that fog is His creation too.
Oh yeah. It is! He was closer to me, enveloping me, than if I had been able to
see and marvel at His other creations like I was expecting to. He reminded me
that pilots learn to fly by sight and then by what their instruments
tell them even when they can’t see the sky/horizon/earth. I was running by
faith, not able to see much of what was around me but knowing it was still
Downhill was not as fun with hundreds of
people around. I couldn't open up as much as I would've liked. We approached
the 5K turnaround. I felt like part of an elite club when I continued on and
didn’t turn around. J
wasn't paying attention to my music as much with so many people around. People
were passing me but I didn’t mind (too much). We turned north at the roundabout.
The directions and map said that the 10K turnaround was a little past Bay
Esplanade so I went about a block past in training. Apparently “a little” to
the race organizers is about *4* blocks! That added another minute or two to my
total time. Wait. If that added a minute or two to my time and if I finished 42
seconds faster than the one and only time I ran the entire distance in
training, then I finished quite a bit faster than expected! I used the
calculator on my phone and it said that my pace was 13:22 instead of 13:30 like
it had been, but that’s incorrect. Well, not incorrect; actually I interpreted
it incorrectly. First, I didn’t take into account what I just told you about
the longer distance and shorter time. Second, I forgot to convert seconds
(time) to tenths (distance). Or something like that. 82 minutes divided by 6.2 miles equals
13.22, which is 13 minutes and 12 seconds per mile, not 13 minutes and 22
seconds. So I went faster in addition to going longer! I like that!
around mile 3-1/2 I felt like I could go on like this forever. That almost
always happens but not always in the same place. The first few seconds I run I
feel powerful. Then my body realizes what I’m requiring of it and protests.
NO!!! STOP NOW!!! When I don’t stop, my body realizes it better kick it into
gear. It does, in its 43-year-old obese way. Then I tend to stay in that zone
for the majority of the run except for some occasional bursts of speed that
last for a few seconds. At about mile 4-1/2 a lady said she liked the back of my shirt:
up the bridge at mile 5 was tough, as it always is. I didn’t slow to a walk,
though. It might have looked like I did, but I didn’t. J I went down the
spiral thinking that this race was almost over. As I crested the last uphill
the woman in front of me turned around and asked if I was Michele Ervin. She is
a member of my church’s running team but we had never met. We ran the last 0.3
miles together, which was nice.
I turned the last corner and began the downhill path to the finish line (I love
that they structured the course that way!), I saw my family and friends
waiting! That and the downhill slope caused me to run faster!
I even disconnected the cord from my MP3 player, raised both arms into the air, and ran that way for a few yards! Victory! My first 10K completed without injury! I'll do another post when I get some more of the pictures they took.
I even disconnected the cord from my MP3 player, raised both arms into the air, and ran that way for a few yards! Victory! My first 10K completed without injury! I'll do another post when I get some more of the pictures they took.
crossed the finish line at 1:21:58 according to my watch.
The official records say 1:22:10. I came in 56th out of 61 women in my age group in the 10K. I didn't finish last! I came in 613th out of 638 total runners in the 10K.
say that we need to get out of the way and let God work, but I think many
people don't know how to do that. It can be difficult to understand what our
responsibility is and what God's responsibility is and not get the two confused.
In running it's a little easier than it may be in other situations. I know I
have to dress appropriately, move my feet, pump my arms, make my lungs expand,
practice, set goals, push myself, etc. Then when race day comes I have to take
my concerns that I'm not fully prepared, set them aside, and let God do what He
does best. Show Himself. He didn't show his power in making it so that I won the
race or even my age group, and I didn't expect Him to. I won by running faster
than this woman
That makes me a winner in my opinion no matter what the official results say. J