I ran 82 minutes and the entire course! The 80 minutes came during a song called Yes
We Can by Me In Motion.
How could I stop with a song like that playing?! I decided to run until that song was over but
then I was so close to the finish line I decided to just run the whole
way! One hour 22 minutes and 40 seconds.
I’m tired now.
But my God can do big things. The last day or so I’ve wondered why I signed
up for this 10K race and why I didn’t do the 5-mile run on Honeymoon Island next
month or the 8K at Gasparilla in February first and work my up to a 10K. I didn’t think I was ready and that I had
taken too big a leap. I was definitely
feeling my humanity and my femininity. What
had I gotten myself into? God knew,
though. And He knew that He was ready
even though I didn’t think I was. I just
needed to get myself out of the way and let Him be the strength in my
I’m inviting all of you to my race next Saturday, December
15, at 8:00 a.m. at Coachman Park in Clearwater. It would be so encouraging to have friends
and family spaced out along the course in addition to at the start and finish
line. Signs are welcome! Let me know if you can be there. Here’s the link: http://www.saynotodrugs.com/
And here's a map of the course.