Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Back To Running

Wow, I haven't posted in 3 weeks.  In that time I've been able to really increase my running distance.  Thank You, God!  On the other hand, I've scaled back on my running in that I'm not doing it five days a week like I was before the mysterious injury in January.  I'm still doing a 3.4-mile route and walking part of the way, but the walking portions are getting shorter and the running portions are getting longer.  Yesterday I ran 6 to 6-1/2 minutes at a time and walked for 2 to 2-1/2 minutes, a ratio of roughly 3:1.  I've started running on grass when I can to lessen the impact on my ankles and knees.  I haven't been concerned with speed or how I look, just with getting back to running the whole distance.  Yesterday, though, as I ran past a bus stop on 49th Street near the end of my route an older gentleman started clapping for me!  He told me to keep it up but not overdo it.  That was encouraging! 

I walked or ran a total of 12,126 steps yesterday!  That's 5.7 miles!  My latest pattern is to run every other day and so far it's working.  On the days when I don't run I get nowhere near my goal of 10,000 steps, but that's okay.  I'm still moving more than I used to, and on those days I concentrate on working my arms and abs. 

There's a 5K race this Friday evening on Clearwater Beach that I might do.  It's run in the sand, which is something I've done only once.  I know I may have to walk part of the way, but that's okay.  It'll feel good just to do an organized race again.  We'll see.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Two Days In A Row of 10,000+ Steps!

Two days in a row I’ve walked more than 10,000 steps!  Having this pedometer is fun, except when it gets reset without me knowing, like if I take a nap and forget to take it off or when apparently holding my niece resets it. 

I had to go to the bank sometime today so instead of walking/running around my neighborhood on my usual route and then trying to coordinate schedules to borrow my mom’s car to go to the bank, I decided to just walk/run to the bank.  It’s a little bit farther than my usual distance, but that’s okay.  J  I set out just after 6:30 a.m. but could’ve gone a few minutes earlier.  I was a little self-conscious about running next to traffic because I’m kind of starting over and am not too concerned with form right now, just with getting back to running the whole distance.  I overcame that self-consciousness and just did it.  No one pulled over to tell me I wasn’t running properly or to ask why I had slowed to a walk, so it was okay! 

I ended up doing a total of 4.6 miles in 52 minutes, running some and walking some.  My knee made me walk just a couple times.  The rest of the times I walked it was because my mind was slowing me down.  I had to go back to setting goals for myself like, “Keep running until you get to the next cross street; then you can walk.”  I did that many times.  One time I did it and when I got to the cross street I knew I needed to keep running.  There was no physical reason to stop. 

It was so rewarding to put a practical purpose to my exercise! 

In other news, a blogger I follow posted this question on Facebook:

Why do we struggle with food?

She had been talking about this with her counselor and is planning to do a blog post on it, but wanted her readers’ input.  I read a dozen or so responses and almost all of them talked about overeating or unhealthful eating being learned behavior [blame your parents] or lack of self-control.  They were so hopeless!  I had to answer with the hope God has given me in overcoming the sin of overeating.  Here’s my response:

“For me, it's plain and simple indulgence.  I like the taste of food.  I wasn't trusting God to give me what I need when I need it; I was getting it for myself...and lots of it.  Sometimes when working late at night I knew I needed to sleep but I couldn't; I had to keep working.  So I ate food for energy to stay awake.  A bowl of white rice with butter wasn't the best choice, though.  Now that I've learned self-control by denying myself what my body doesn't need, life is so much better.  I still like food, and I still have a little chocolate most days.  Food isn't what consumes me anymore, though.  It's fuel for my body.  Period.  If I can make it taste good AND be healthful, so much the better.  If I have to just eat and move on with my day, no big deal.  Food is no big deal anymore.  It's no big deal!!!  If my current size 16 body had said that to my old size 26 body, it wouldn't have believed it, but it's true!  I love this freedom!”

One person wrote after me that she wished she could just learn to put Jesus in place of food so she wouldn’t have these problems.  I clicked through to her blog and left a comment inviting her to view my blog or email me.  I hope she contacts me so I can share with her what Jesus has done for me!

Monday, May 7, 2012

I Feel Thin When I Run

As I was running this morning…yes, RUNNING!...I realized something.  Beyond the fact that I’ve missed it the last several months and that I enjoy doing it, I realized that when I run I don’t feel fat.  Obese and morbidly obese people can walk for normal daily activities usually and sometimes even for exercise.  When I started walking seriously three years ago I was considered super obese.  (Not that I put much stock in the BMI chart, thanks to my friend and trainer, Brandice at  I ran two 5Ks when my weight was in the obese category.  I’m still in that category and have 38 more pounds to lose before I'll be considered just overweight and not obese.  (Please don’t do the math.)  I know I don’t look like a fitness model when I’m running, but I feel thin. 

I feel like a normal person.  Let’s not analyze too deeply what I’m saying.  I’m not saying that fat people are abnormal, just that I feel like I have no restrictions.  I feel thin when I run, like I can do what average-size people can do.  It’s been a v-e-r-y long time since I could say that.  That’s all.